Bride: Rebecca
Wedding Date: January 13, 2024
Wedding Location: Takaka, New Zealand
Details: Rebecca was referred to me by her Mom- who is also a Pagio client. We had very limited time to meet as Rebecca was visiting NY over the summer and was getting everything together that she needed to get while in the States in preparation for the wedding. Fortunately when we met, Rebecca already had her magnificent wedding gown and was able to model it which made it very easy to brainstorm jewelry styles and ideas. She shared her vision of how she wanted to look on her special day and I was able to create samples of jewelry styles for her to choose from.
In January on New Zealand, it is summer time. An outdoor wedding is planned. Rebecca requested that her jewelry be simple- not overpowering and yellow gold in color.
Her mother gave me some old and unworn jewelry of hers to incorporate into the pieces, and as she loved the earrings I designed for Rebecca, she requested that a similar pair be made for her.

Bridal Earrings

Trial Bridal Earrings

Bridal bracelet

Bridal bracelet

Earrings for Mom

Earrings for Mom